Twelve Trees
Welcome to the dedicated website providing regular updates on the fire safety remediations at Twelve Trees (referred also as Maltings Close Blocks A, B, C & D).
Here you can find key information about the planned works (via the Frequently Asked Questions section), contact details for our Resident Liaison team, and download monthly progress updates (via the Updates section).​
Regen Facades is an experienced fire safety contractor and we have been contracted to undertake remediations to various aspects of your building - this includes to the rainscreen cladding and render, communal firestopping, compartmentation and fire doors (as well as to your apartment front entrance door). See the Frequently Asked Questions for more detail on the scope of works.
Regen Facades provides bespoke and tested system solutions to both new and existing buildings - Including to large fire safety remediation schemes such as at Twelve Trees / Maltings Close.
Your Resident Liaison Officer & Resident Champion is Christina Hammond.
Christina will be your point of contact for all resident communications relating to the works and will coordinate all responses between you and the Regen Facades team.
Christina can be contacted on rlo.twelvetrees@regenfacades.co.uk
You will receive monthly progress newsletters (these will be posted to your address, uploaded to this website, and shared via email with the resident and stakeholder directory). Please email the Resident Liaison Officer if you wish to be added or removed from the directory at any time.
Please refer to our updates page to download the most recent communications products.